Bottom Tab bar
What is tab bar?
Tab bar is located in the bottom of the mobile screen which is mostly used to show the most important action pages(webpages) to users. Those are the basic navigation pages in you app.
How to design Tab bar?
Selected color
This color will be applied to the title of the tab which is currently selected/active. For example, here in the image it's "Home" screen.
Unselected color
This color will be applied to the title of the tab which is currently unselected/de-active. For example, here in the image it's "Shop, Cart & Account" screen.
Background color
This will change tab bar background color. Here in the image it's white, you can change it to any other color to match your brand color.
Tab Icon Height & Width
This is the size of icons of bottom tabs. Default is 25 * 25 px.
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