Coupon Created

Boost sales and customer engagement by notifying users about new coupons with the “Coupon Created” notification feature. This allows you to instantly inform your users about available discounts and promotions, encouraging them to make a purchase.

Setting Up "Product Low Stock" Campaigns

Encourage immediate purchases by notifying customers when stock levels are critically low for popular items.

Step 1: Select event

  1. Open your app.

  2. Go to the Engage dashboard.

  3. Click on '+ Create Campaign'.

  4. Enter the campaign name

  5. From the event dropdown, select “Coupon Created”.

Step 2: Craft your push title and message

  1. In the Push Title, input a welcoming and confirming message. Click on the '+' to add dynamic values to personalize the title.

  2. For the Push Message, enter your message and click on the '+' to add dynamic values to personalize it.

Step 3: Select Platforms

You can choose both Android & iOS or both of them. If you will select Android then only or Android app users will receive notification and same for iOS as well. If you select both Android and iOS then all of your app users will receive the notification.

Step 4: Click Action

Define the click action: whether the notification should open the app, a specific tab within the app, or an external URL.

  • Open App -> This means it will only open the app.

  • Open Tab -> This means it will open the selected tab from the bottom bar. If you have 5 different tabs in the bottom then you can select any of them.

  • Open URL -> This means it will open the specified URL in the app.

Last updated